Why experimental science is important?
This book makes you feel that "good" is possible in a troubled world. I really liked how the conversation between Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) and Howard C. Cutler touched on scientific facts, especially on positive psychology, when they were defining the difference between the "good" and the "bad". And their definition about 'why science is important'(please see below) was something like i wanted to tell people since such a long time but couldn't find the right words for it. I would like to share that part of the "Hope" chapter: Hope: Let’s say that a person is working on a difficult task, something that seems almost impossible, hopeless...Like, for instance, let’s say that a researcher is working on a cure for disease, but of course it is so complex it might seem almost hopeless...Instead of overwhelmed by the unlikelihood of that person discovering a cure, let’ say that he or she deliberately spend time thinking along t...