
Showing posts from August, 2017

ECVP 2017 - European Conference on Visual Perception: 27-31 August, Berlin-Germany

The results of our new publication will be presented in ECVP 2017 with the title  "Local item density modulates adaptation of learned contextual cues "  Programme details: Please find the details on the website of the conference:

Our New Publication!

Local item density modulates adaptation of learned contextual cues Visual Cognition, 16 June 2017 Efsun Annac, Markus Conci, Hermann J. M üller, & Thomas Geyer Department of Psychology +  Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Abstract : In everyday scenes, searched-for targets do not appear in isolation, but are embedded within configurations of non-target or distractor items. If the position of the target relative to the distractors is invariant, such spatial contingencies are implicitly learned and come to guide visual scanning (“contextual cueing”). However, the effectiveness of contextual cueing depends heavily on the consistency between bottom-up perceptual input and context memory: following configural learning, re-locating targets to an unexpected location within an unchanged distractor context completely abolishes contextual cueing, and gains deriving from the invariant context recover only very slowly with ...

Advice for a Young Investigator - Santiago Ramón y Cajal

This book is great. Let me explain why. First of all, please do not forget that it was written in 1897, and for its time this is a 'novel' book targeting graduate students or with Cajal's term "young investigators". Second, he tries to share all his experience and advice about how to survive as a young investigator in a complicated area, that is; Academy or any research environment. Third, he gives pieces of advice not only about how to do research but also how to cooperate or communicate with others to be able to feed your research. You may say some of his advice is too private or sometimes he is too sexist, and you might be right about it. However, conditions were completely different 120 years ago in research and you should consider every sentence he wrote was written in those times. I enjoyed this book a lot and as a "young investigator". I thought it is a nice and interesting journey for me from 2017 to 1897. It made me think how well we improved ...