3. Ph.D. and stress: Uncertainity

The third topic is on Uncertainty . What does uncertainty mean in PhD life? First-year in PhD is fun. It is the year you think "everything is under control". After some time, problems escalate. It is frustrating because problems may delay experiments, data collection, analysis, papers and eventually PhD Thesis...When things go wrong, you feel stressed and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel... Do you have inconclusive data? Don't be afraid. I spent a considerable amount of time on one of my projects. Lots of experiments and lots of analysis... The results did not support our research question. My supervisor and I decided to leave this project behind and carry on with a different question. It is the right approach in science but I couldn't escape from the feeling that I gave this project a lot of effort for nothing (which was not true!). It was my third year and I was under a lot of stress. In the end, there was only one question in my min...