The Humans - Matt Haig

"The humans" is one of my favorite books recently. The fact that you cannot anticipate what is going to happen makes it very interesting. All sentences that refer to 'what is being human' or 'how to be a human' are great.
In the introduction, Matt Haig was telling that he will convince the readers that humans actually exist. In the book, he has strong arguments to make you believe that they do, but so as Vonnadorians from the planet Vonnadoria. 

Let's look inside the book:

Advice for a Human: 
37. Don't always try to be cool.The whole universe is cool. It's the warm bits that matter.
55. You are not the only species on Earth with technology. Look at ants. Really. Look. What they do with twigs and leaves is quite amazing.
60.Obey your head. Obey your heart.Obey your gut. In fact, obey everything except commands.
78.You get up.You put on your clothes.And then you put on your personality.Choose wisely.
82. If you think something is ugly, look harder. Ugliness is just a failure of seeing.
87. Dark matter is needed to hold galaxies together. Your mind is a galaxy. More dark than light. But light makes it worthwhile.

It's just an amazing book, strongly recommended!


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