1. Ph.D. and stress
Ph.D. life is quite stressful with its ups and downs. Deadlines, experiment problems, analysis, meeting pressures, presentations, future worries, anxiety, existential crises, mistakes etc. make your life miserable sometimes. As a Ph.D. candidate, I have spent a big part of my Ph.D. worried, frustrated and stressed about several issues.
One day, I even decided to quit and talked to my supervisor, and I am not a quitter.
In the end, I decided to write about my experiences. I am expecting that sharing my experiences with other Ph.D.'s or people who are planning to do Ph.D. might be inspired to understand the importance of defining the level (or effect) of stress in their lives and look for the ways to deal with it. If I can even reach one of you, it will be worth it.
After a while, I started to have health problems, and as my doctors told me, they were due to stress. (Okay okay, I admit, caffeine also had a big role! Never start your day with 2 cups of coffee and no breakfast....)
After a while, you become better at dealing with problems. However, dealing with stress is not so easy when you are not even aware of it.
The physical effects of stress make you miserable. I remember many times I couldn't calm myself down for a long time even after solving a problem or submitting my paper.
I will come back with a new post very soon...