New Article on memory and eye movements!

Recognition of incidentally learned visual search arrays is supported by fixational eye movements.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

Efsun Annac,  Mathias Pointner,  Patrick H. Khader,  Hermann J. Müller,  Xuelian Zang, & Thomas Geyer

Repeated encounter of abstract target-distractor letter arrangements leads to improved visual search for such displays. This contextual-cueing effect is attributed to incidental learning of display configurations. Whether observers can consciously access the memory underlying the cueing effect is still a controversial issue. The current study uses a novel recognition task and eyetracking to tackle this question. Experiment 1 investigated observers’ ability to recognize or “generate” the display quadrant of the target in a previous search array when the target was now substituted by distractor element as well as where observers’ eye fixations would fall while they freely viewed the recognition display, examining the link between the fixation pattern and explicit recognition judgments. Experiment 2 tested whether eye fixations would serve a critical role for explicit retrieval from context memory. Experiment 3 asked whether eye fixations of the target region are critical for context-based facilitation of search reaction times to manifest. The results revealed longer fixational dwell times in the target quadrant for learned relative to foil displays. Further, explicit recognition was enhanced, and above chance level, when observers were made to fixate the target quadrant as compared to when they were prevented from doing so. However, the manifestation of contextual cueing of visual search did itself not require fixations of the target quadrant. Moreover, contextual-cueing of search reaction times was significantly correlated with both fixational dwell times and observers’ explicit generation performance. The results argue in favor of contextual cueing of visual search being the result of a single, explicit, memory system, though it could nevertheless receive support from separable—automatic versus controlled—retrieval processes. Fixational eye movements, that is, the directed overt allocation of visual attention, provide an interface between these processes in context cueing.

Citation: Annac, E., Pointner, M., Khader, P. H., Müller, H. J., Zang, X., & Geyer, T. (2019). Recognition of incidentally learned visual search arrays is supported by fixational eye movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Advance online publication.


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